About Us

Our goal is to ensure that every student remains informed about the multitude of opportunities available to them, including open source events, hackathons, internships, and more. Moreover, we aspire to empower every student with new skills that they can proudly display on their resumes. Our vision is to connect with and impact the lives of each and every student through this thriving community.

But Why Us?

  • You'll gain access to a wealth of complimentary resources, including:
  • Regular updates on upcoming events, hackathons, internships, and more.
  • Engaging webinars hosted by industry experts, offering guidance on trending skills and the latest technologies.
  • Frequent community meetings designed to address students' inquiries and concerns.
  • Opportunities to acquire new skills and bolster your resume.
  • Valuable insights on crafting a robust presence on LinkedIn and Github, platforms often underestimated in their impact.
What do we have to pay ?
Nothing!!!! Simply invest some time, and that will be sufficient. Remember, it's a community by the students, for the students, and of the students.
abhinav's profile icon

Abhinav Srinivas

Founder Frontend Developer and Avid Quizzer
ishaan's profile icon

Ishaan Adarsh

Founder Hello There
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